H.E. Dr. Nedim Makarevic participated in a project of international movie “Janaan” whose premiere took place in most modern cinema in Karachi Neoplex. The movie will be presented in 17 countries around the world including USA, Great Britain, Canada, Denmark, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, India… Movie aims to improve image of Pakistan which is currently not good in eyes of West.

The movie Janaan is a romantic comedy that follows life of Canadian female whose roots are from Pakistan. After 11 years of absence, she is coming to Pakistan because of family wedding. The movie presents unknown, but beautiful side of Pakistan, life and customs as well as their dances and music.

Dr. Makarević personally appears in the movie. You may see him in the trailer starting with 10th second of this video.

For more details, please watch trailer, or click here!

About the amazing success of the movie, please see the BBC video report!